Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Orchid Show at the New York Botanical Garden.

Today, I went to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx to visit the recently opened Orchid Show. This is the tenth year the Garden has this show featuring the most seductive and mysterious flowers in the world the orchids. I have attended this show twice in the past and fell in love with it ever since.

This year's theme was the vertical gardens. The show simulated the vertical gardens of French botanist and artist Patrick Blanc. Hence, it was dubbed "The Orchid Show: Patrick Blanc's Vertical Gardens".

Unlike prior years, the attendance was meager and the show was modest. To me is was clear that the Garden is suffering from the economic downturns of the last four years. Nevertheless, was enough orchids and vertical gardens to make the visit worthwhile.

The Garden had two lectures on flower arranging with orchids and on orchid care. I was able to attend the orchid care lecture and was very informative and interesting. The instructor explained in details how one can grow orchid at home and ensure that it would flower from year to year. I am thinking of planting some orchid at home. I did not know until today that orchid do not grow in soil but rather on the trunk of trees. They survive on the nutrients that are shredded off the trees and some orchid can store water in their stems which act like the humps of the camels. That was quick a fascinating fact I leaned today.

I meant to swing Little Italy in the Bronx and have an Italian dinner, but the temperature went down quickly and it became so chilly that I decided to head home instead for some hot soap.

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